Inside the Montessori Classroom
Take a peek inside a Montessori classroom and see what makes a Montessori environment different. See the vibrant and nurturing environment that children of all ages experience in a Montessori classroom. |
Learn how Montessori elementary uniquely supports your child in reaching their highest potential |
Montessori Kindergarten: Empowering and Essential
Learn why the Montessori kindergarten year—the third and final year of the Montessori Early Childhood cycle—is a foundation for life. |
Learn how the Montessori Infant and Toddler experience supports optimal development and is an ideal start to life! |
Parents share, in their own words, what makes a Montessori education so special. Watch this video, produced by the American Montessori Society (AMS), to catch a glimpse of the Montessori Experience and see the difference that Montessori can make in your child's life! |
Living Montessori: Stephen Curry & Family
Hear NBA Superstar Stephen Curry and his family tell about how a Montessori education has helped shape their outlook on life in this exclusive American Montessori Society interview. |
Montessori: Valuing Diversity
National Book Award Winner Andrew Solomon (Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity) discusses how teaching children to value diversity and accept differences can have a profound impact on society. |
"What Children Teach Us About Peace," with John Hunter
John Hunter, creator of the World Peace Game, shares his thoughts about peace education and how Maria Montessori’s ideals of the prepared environment and following the child can lead to new discoveries for students and educators alike. |
Montessori and Children with Special Needs
Parents and Montessori teachers explain in this video how a Montessori classroom can help students with special needs. Because Montessori teachers create individualized lesson plans for each child, integrating a special needs student into the Montessori environment helps facilitate discipline, confidence, and growth -- meeting the needs of every child at their own speed, at their own child-led pace, and in a natural learning environment. |
"The World Needs All Kinds of Thinkers," with Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin, PhD, scientist and autism activist, explains that different people learn in different ways—and makes the point that we must embrace all kinds of thinking. |