Timeline and History of Victoria Montessori School
USA/Ugandan Rotarians develop “SEED” micro finance project in Uganda
Conversation begins about Montessori method of education for peace with Ugandan teacher Lawino Christine Kijange
With the help of the Montessori community in the USA, Christine comes to the USA for Montessori teacher training during the l999-2000 school year
Christine returns home to plan a model Montessori school in Entebbe, Uganda
Victoria Montessori School opens for 30 pre-school children in a renovated, leased building
Victoria Montessori School continues to grow
Land is gradually purchased nearby for a new school building for elementary students
New five-room school opens for elementary children and refugee orphans from war-torn Northern Uganda
The school continues to grow to 170 students
Christine is awarded the Ursula Thrush Peace Seed Grant by the American Montessori Society in New York. She begins forming “Peace Clubs” in Uganda.
Two more classrooms are added to the new school building. Refugee orphans are sleeping in the store room. DORMITORY SPACE IS NEEDED.
Christine and her husband Joseph are invited to New York to be part of the American Montessori Society’s “Global Forum” at the United Nations
The Victoria Montessori Teacher Training Center officially opens in April
Christine is awarded a scholarship to continue advanced Montessori training in Chicago, USA during the summers of 2007 and 2008
A cistern is built to collect rain water for the bathrooms at the new school
The new kitchen building is under construction
School website is created by Red Mesa Design to give broader exposure to new Montessori education for peace in Uganda
Newly built small building opened in February to house upper classes; library/learning center; office for Victoria Montessori Teacher Training Center
"Volunteer Guest Teacher Program" initiated with 0-3 Directress Sheri Minter from Nashville, Tennessee, helping teachers and children in the new 2-3 year old classroom in February 2008
Volunteer guest teachers, 3-6 Directress Heather Braaten, and 3-12 Directress & Administrator Susan Ennar from Washington State, assisted the older children and teachers in May 2008
Security gate at school entrance is completed
Original leased building in park is vacated in December 2008, and playground is relocated to main site
Two more classrooms are under construction in early 2009
In January, “Volunteer Guest Teachers/Trainers”, Rosann and Peter Larrow, Montessori Opportunities Inc., Ohio, USA, provide Montessori elementary and preschool workshops for staff
Volunteer Guest Teachers, Lisa Kambich, Celeste Courtney, and Carolyn Kambich (from Deerfield Montessori Schools, Illinois, USA), help in the pre-school classrooms
The new classrooms open February, 2010, for two Montessori 6-9 year old classes
Construction of two second floor classrooms is in process for two Montessori 9-12 year old classes for 2011
The library floor is tiled. More tall bookshelves and a reading table and chairs are added, awaiting book delivery from Bookfriends International, NFP.
Two more gravel pathways are constructed to link to the new building.
Victoria Montessori School celebrates its 10 year anniversary and now has a five building campus
Third floor of elementary building is completed
New playground with 12 ' PVC geodesic dome climber for the elementary students
Larger school buses bought for growing student population. School population grows over 400.
New expanded kitchen built with dining pavilion replaced small kitchen
New enlarged multi-age playground replaced small blue preschool playground
Volunteer Guest Teacher, Kathe Streeter (from Marquette Montessori Academy, South Bend, Indiana, USA) worked with the teachers and students at VMS
New expanded kitchen built with dining pavilion replaced small kitchen
New enlarged multi-age playground replaced small blue preschool playground
Volunteer Guest Teacher, Kathe Streeter (from Marquette Montessori Academy, South Bend, Indiana, USA) worked with the teachers and students at VMS